
sin : Angle -> F64

The sine of an angle.

cos : Angle -> F64

The cosine of an angle.

tan : Angle -> F64

The tangent of an angle.

asin : F64, [ ToRadians, ToDegrees, ToTurns, ToGon ] -> Angle

The arcsine of a number.

Silently returns NaN if the input is outside the range [-1, 1].

acos : F64, [ ToRadians, ToDegrees, ToTurns, ToGon ] -> Angle

The arccosine of a number.

Silently returns NaN if the input is outside the range [-1, 1].

atan : F64, [ ToRadians, ToDegrees, ToTurns, ToGon ] -> Angle

The arctangent of a number.

sinh : F64 -> F64

The hyperbolic sine.

cosh : F64 -> F64

The hyperbolic cosine.

tanh : F64 -> F64

The hyperbolic tangent.

coth : F64 -> F64

The hyperbolic cotangent.

sech : F64 -> F64

The hyperbolic secant.

csch : F64 -> F64

The hyperbolic cosecant.