

A complex number z = x + yi, where i = √-1.

i : Complex

The imaginary unit.

zero : Complex

The complex number z = 0 + 0i.

fromReal : Num * -> Complex

Convert a number x to a complex number z = x + 0i.

fromImag : Num * -> Complex

Convert a number y to a complex number z = 0 + yi.

fromTuple : ( Num *, Num * ) -> Complex

Convert two numbers x and y to a complex number z = x + yi. The inverse of toTuple.

toTuple : Complex -> ( F64, F64 )

Convert a complex number z = x + yi to a tuple (x, y). The inverse of fromTuple.

add : Complex, Complex -> Complex

Add two complex numbers together.

sub : Complex, Complex -> Complex

Subtract one complex number from another.

mul : Complex, Complex -> Complex

Multiply two complex numbers together.

div : Complex, Complex -> Complex

Divide one complex number by another.

reciprocal : Complex -> Complex

The reciprocal of a non-zero complex number.

abs : Complex -> F64

The absolute value of a complex number, which is the distance from 0. Defined as |x + yi| = √x² + y².

arg : Complex -> F64

The argument of a complex number, the angle from the positive x-axis.

toPolar : Complex -> { r : F64, arg : F64 }

Convert a complex number to polar form.

isApproxEq : Complex, Complex, { rtol ? F64, atol ? F64 } -> Bool

Check if two complex numbers are approximately equal.