mean : List (Num *) -> Result F64 [ListWasEmpty]
The arithmetic mean of a list x
is defined as the sum of the elements of x
divided by the number of elements in x
For a version of this function that silently returns NaN
when the input list is empty, see meanUnchecked
meanUnchecked : List (Num *) -> F64
A version of mean
that silently returns NaN
when the input list is empty.
variance : List (Num *) -> Result F64 [ListWasEmpty]
The unbiased sample variance of a list of numbers.
Defined as S² = ∑(x - x̄)² / (n − 1).
varianceUnchecked : List (Num *) -> F64
A version of the variance
function that silently returns NaN
when the input list is empty.
varianceWithMean : List (Num *), F64 -> F64
A version of the variance
function that uses a pre-calculated mean value for efficiency.
meanAndVariance : List (Num *) -> Result ( F64, F64 ) [ListWasEmpty]
A function that calculates both the mean
and variance
of a list at the same time.
This is more efficient than calculating both values separately.
meanAndVarianceUnchecked : List (Num *) -> ( F64, F64 )
A function that calculates both the mean
and variance
of a list at the same time.
This is more efficient than calculating both values separately.
standardDeviation : List (Num *) -> Result F64 [ListWasEmpty]
The corrected sample standard deviation of a list of numbers.
nthSampleMoment : List (Num *), U64 -> Result F64 [ListWasEmpty]
The n-th sample moment of a list of numbers.
nthSampleMomentUnchecked : List (Num *), U64 -> F64
The n-th sample moment of a list of numbers that silently returns NaN when the input list is empty.
nthSampleMomentWithMean : List (Num *), U64, F64 -> F64
The n-th sample moment of a list of numbers, given a pre-calculated mean.
median : List (Num *) -> Result F64 [ListWasEmpty]
The median of a list of numbers.
medianUnchecked : List (Num *) -> F64
A version of the median
function that silently returns NaN
when the input list is empty.
range : List (Num a) -> Result (Num a) [ListWasEmpty]
The difference between the maximum and minimum values in a list.