exp : F64 -> F64
The natural exponential function, the inverse of the naturalLog
reciprocal : Num * -> F64
The multiplicative inverse function, defined as x⁻¹ = 1/x.
naturalLog : F64 -> F64
The natural logarithm function, the inverse of the exp
sigmoid : Num * -> F64
The standard logistic function, defined as S(x) = eˣ / (eˣ + 1).
relu : Num a -> Num a
The rectified linear unit activation (ReLU) function.
sign : F64 -> [ PositiveNumber, NegativeNumber, Zero, NaN, PositiveInfinity, NegativeInfinity ]
A variant of the mathematical sign function that handles NaN
and infinity values.
signInt : Int * -> [ PositiveNumber, NegativeNumber, Zero ]
The sign function for integers.
For getting the sign of a floating-point number, use the sign
function instead.