A single ASCII character.
fromAsciiByte : U8 -> Result Char [InvalidAscii]
Parse an ASCII code point to a Char
, returning an error if the code point is not in the range 0 to 127 inclusive.
toAsciiByte : Char -> U8
Get the corresponding ASCII code point of a Char
compare : Char, Char -> [ LT, EQ, GT ]
Compare the ASCIIbetical order of two ASCII characters, i.e. by comparing their code points.
characterSet : Char -> [ LowercaseLetter, UppercaseLetter, Digit, Whitespace, Punctuation, Control ]
Get the ASCII character set of a character.
isLowercase : Char -> Bool
Check if an ASCII character is a lowercase letter.
isUppercase : Char -> Bool
Check if an ASCII character is an uppercase letter.
isLetter : Char -> Bool
Check if an ASCII character is a letter.
isDigit : Char -> Bool
Check if an ASCII character is a digit.
isAlphanumeric : Char -> Bool
Check if an ASCII character is an alphanumeric character, i.e. a letter or a digit.
isOctDigit : Char -> Bool
Check if an ASCII character is an octal digit, i.e. a digit in the range 0 to 7 inclusive.
isHexDigit : Char -> Bool
Check if an ASCII character is a hexadecimal digit, i.e. a digit or a letter in the range 0 to 9, a to f, or A to F.
isWhitespace : Char -> Bool
Check if an ASCII character is a whitespace character.
isPunctuation : Char -> Bool
Check if an ASCII character is a punctuation character.
isControl : Char -> Bool
Check if an ASCII character is a control character.
isPrintable : Char -> Bool
Check if an ASCII character is a printable character.
toUppercase : Char -> Char
Convert a character to uppercase if it is a lowercase letter, otherwise return the character unchanged.
toLowercase : Char -> Char
Convert a character to lowercase if it is an uppercase letter, otherwise return the character unchanged.
lowercaseAlphabet : List Char
All the lowercase ASCII letters.
uppercaseAlphabet : List Char
All the uppercase ASCII letters.
alphabet : List Char
All the ASCII letters.
digits : List Char
All the ASCII digits.
whitespace : List Char
All the ASCII whitespace characters.
punctuation : List Char
All the ASCII punctuation characters.
control : List Char
All the ASCII control characters.
printable : List Char
All the ASCII printable characters.
nul : Char
The ASCII "Null" (␀) control character
soh : Char
The ASCII "Start of Heading" (␁) control character
stx : Char
The ASCII "Start of Text" (␂) control character
etx : Char
The ASCII "End of Text" (␃) control character
eot : Char
The ASCII "End of Transmission" (␄) control character
enq : Char
The ASCII "Enquiry" (␅) control character
ack : Char
The ASCII "Acknowledgement" (␆) control character
bel : Char
The ASCII "Bell" (␇) control character
bs : Char
The ASCII "Backspace" (␈) control character
ht : Char
The ASCII "Horizontal Tab" (␉) control character
lf : Char
The ASCII "Line Feed" (␊) control character
vt : Char
The ASCII "Vertical Tab" (␋) control character
ff : Char
The ASCII "Form Feed" (␌) control character
cr : Char
The ASCII "Carriage Return" (␍) control character
so : Char
The ASCII "Shift Out" (␎) control character
si : Char
The ASCII "Shift In" (␏) control character
dle : Char
The ASCII "Data Link Escape" (␐) control character
dc1 : Char
The ASCII "Device Control 1/XON" (␑) control character
dc2 : Char
The ASCII "Device Control 2" (␒) control character
dc3 : Char
The ASCII "Device Control 3/XOFF" (␓) control character
dc4 : Char
The ASCII "Device Control 4" (␔) control character
nak : Char
The ASCII "Negative Acknowledgement" (␕) control character
syn : Char
The ASCII "Synchronous Idle" (␖) control character
etb : Char
The ASCII "End of Transmission Block" (␗) control character
can : Char
The ASCII "Cancel" (␘) control character
em : Char
The ASCII "End of Medium" (␙) control character
sub : Char
The ASCII "Substitute" (␚) control character
esc : Char
The ASCII "Escape" (␛) control character
fs : Char
The ASCII "File Separator" (␜) control character
gs : Char
The ASCII "Group Separator" (␝) control character
rs : Char
The ASCII "Record Separator" (␞) control character
us : Char
The ASCII "Unit Separator" (␟) control character
del : Char
The ASCII "Delete" (␡) control character