

fromStr : Str -> Result Ascii [InvalidAscii]

Convert a UTF-8 Str to an ASCII string.

toStr : Ascii -> Str

Convert an ASCII string to a UTF-8 Str.

fromChars : List Char -> Ascii

Convert a list of ASCII Chars to an ASCII string.

toChars : Ascii -> List Char

Convert an ASCII string to a list of ASCII Chars.

fromAsciiBytes : List U8 -> Result Ascii [InvalidAscii]

Convert a list of ASCII code points to an ASCII string.

toAsciiBytes : Ascii -> List U8

Convert an ASCII string to a list of ASCII code points.

compare : Ascii, Ascii -> [ LT, EQ, GT ]

Compare the ASCIIbetical order of two ASCII strings, i.e. by comparing their code points.

isEmpty : Ascii -> Bool

Check if an ASCII string is empty.

toUppercase : Ascii -> Ascii

Convert all the lowercase letters in an ASCII string to uppercase, leaving all other characters unchanged.

toLowercase : Ascii -> Ascii

Convert all the uppercase letters in an ASCII string to lowercase, leaving all other characters unchanged.

concat : Ascii, Ascii -> Ascii

Concatenate two ASCII strings.

join : List Ascii -> Ascii

Join a list of ASCII strings.

joinWith : List Ascii, Ascii -> Ascii

Join a list of ASCII strings with a separator.

repeat : Ascii, U64 -> Ascii

Repeat an ASCII string a specified number of times.

startsWith : Ascii, Ascii -> Bool

Check if an ASCII string starts with another ASCII string.

endsWith : Ascii, Ascii -> Bool

Check if an ASCII string ends with another ASCII string.

toDec : Ascii -> Result Dec [InvalidNumStr]

toF64 : Ascii -> Result F64 [InvalidNumStr]

toF32 : Ascii -> Result F32 [InvalidNumStr]

toU128 : Ascii -> Result U128 [InvalidNumStr]

toI128 : Ascii -> Result I128 [InvalidNumStr]

toU64 : Ascii -> Result U64 [InvalidNumStr]

toI64 : Ascii -> Result I64 [InvalidNumStr]

toU32 : Ascii -> Result U32 [InvalidNumStr]

toI32 : Ascii -> Result I32 [InvalidNumStr]

toU16 : Ascii -> Result U16 [InvalidNumStr]

toI16 : Ascii -> Result I16 [InvalidNumStr]

toU8 : Ascii -> Result U8 [InvalidNumStr]

toI8 : Ascii -> Result I8 [InvalidNumStr]

len : Ascii -> U64

Count the number of characters in an ASCII string.

reverse : Ascii -> Ascii

Reverse the characters in an ASCII string.

sortAsc : List Ascii -> List Ascii

Sort a list of ASCII strings in ascending ASCIIbetical order.

sortDesc : List Ascii -> List Ascii

Sort a list of ASCII strings in descending ASCIIbetical order.