A position on the canvas.
A turtle that can move around the canvas and draw lines.
new : { position ? Position, direction ? F64, pen ? [ Up, Down ] } -> Turtle
Create a new turtle at the origin facing right with the pen down.
getPosition : Turtle -> Position
Get the turtle's current position.
forward : Turtle, F64 -> Turtle
Move the turtle forward by a distance.
moveTo : Turtle, Position -> Turtle
Move the turtle to a new position without changing its direction.
getDirection : Turtle -> F64
Get the turtle's current direction.
turn : Turtle, F64 -> Turtle
Turn the turtle by an angle.
turnTo : Turtle, F64 -> Turtle
Turn the turtle to an absolute angle.
pointAt : Turtle, Position -> Turtle
Point the turtle at a position.
getPen : Turtle -> [ Up, Down ]
Get the pens' current state.
setPen : Turtle, [ Up, Down, Invert ] -> Turtle
Set the pen to Up
, Down
, or Invert
(toggle between Up
and Down
getLines : Turtle -> List (List Position)
Get all the lines drawn by the turtle so far.
repeat : Turtle, U64, (Turtle -> Turtle) -> Turtle
Repeat a function n times
toSvg : Turtle, { x : { from : F64, to : F64 }, y : { from : F64, to : F64 }, scale ? F64 } -> Str
Convert the turtle's lines to an SVG string